DM-Series Controller
Control SystemsSnair has always excelled in the development and manufacture of user-friendly controls which utilize EXCLUSIVELY OFF-THE-SHELF COMPONENTS. The philosophy that the die caster can always take advantage of local suppliers and service support has given Snair the reputation of providing extremely reliable and serviceable systems. Industry standard Allen Bradley components eliminate the dependency on the manufacturer so common with other brands. Currently, two lines of control systems are available for the die casting industry: the DM-Series and the G-Series. The DM-Series features an industrial-grade operator interface terminal for the input of all machine parameters. Because of the digital communication between components, all speed potentiometers, all external timers, and all external counters have been eliminated. Thus reducing overall complexity and drastically improving reliability. New high performance DC motor controllers (one for each machine axis) provide speeds and accuracy never before attainable. The following components are standard with the DM-Series controller: • Allen Bradley PLC Processor The G-Series controller was unveiled at the GIFA exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany in the summer of 1999. With the advantage of economy, the G-Series will become an ideal platform for organizations new to automation. Future upgrade to the DM-Series controller is possible as the pin-out connections are identical. The multi-national symbolic control panel enables quick recognition of all machine functions. Many of the key features of the DM-Series controller was retained in the G-Series including: • Elimination of all external potentiometers, timers, and counters The G-Series also utilizes an Allen Bradley PLC system. Unique to the G-Series extractor controller is the ability to integrate the conveyor controls directly into the enclosure to minimize costs and system complexity. |